
Kaang Lieng แกงเลียง

1. pumpking cut into small pieces
2. baby corn
3. ground cut into small pieces
4. luffa cut into triangles
5. Hoary basil
6. Paddy mushroom, Sajor Caju mushroom

1. Boil 3 cups water together with Kaang Lieng paste.
2. Add pumpking, rourd and babycorn altogether that already cut into small pieces.Cook until soft.
3. Add luffa, cut into triangles and paddy mushroom, Sajor Caju mushroom.
4. Add hoary basil then ready to serve. ;)


Pachinee said...

Oh its good! I will cook one for my friend who is having a baby :-P

Something About LadyM said...

It was good. I like it because it's vegetable soup, low calories. :P and healthy.;)